Digital Landscape In Cannes III : @ la maison des scénaristes – Monday 22 May at 2PM

Maud Clavier  : VR producer and filmmaker : Clap and Zap production

Julien Mokrani : Filmmaker, story teller from Okio studio

François Klein : producter and story telling in VR, author

Pierre Friquet: A famous VR filmmaker who lives in New York now, he shot all around the globe and made a famous short movie called Jet Lag

Alisson Foucault: A woman CEO of a VR company, more focused on VR, animated features that 360° video 

Leslie Levi: A VR director who has her movie this year in Cannes, she can tell it all about making a 360° video.

the Panel is moderate by Cynthia Landon CEo of Women in Entertainment.